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Trademark Trials and Appeals

Your experienced trademark lawyer

Navigate trademark trials and appeals with confidence, guided by our skilled trademark lawyer.

Trademark disputes can be complex and challenging, requiring the expertise of a seasoned trademark lawyer. At Trademark Legal, we specialize in assisting clients like you in trademark trials and appeals. Our dedicated trademark lawyer is well-versed in the intricacies of trademark law and litigation. We are committed to providing you with effective legal representation to protect your brand and intellectual property throughout the trial and appeal process. With our guidance, you can address trademark disputes with confidence, knowing that your rights are in capable hands.

About Our Firm

Your Trusted US Trademark Lawyer

At Trademark Legal, we take pride in being a leading name in trademark trials and appeals. Our team of skilled professionals, led by our experienced US trademark lawyer, is dedicated to safeguarding your brand’s reputation and intellectual property rights. With a proven track record and a commitment to excellence, we have become a trusted partner for clients facing trademark disputes.

About Our Service

Effective Trademark Trial and Appeal Solutions

Our trademark trial and appeal services are designed to provide you with comprehensive legal support. We understand that each case is unique, and we tailor our strategies to meet your specific needs. Our services encompass:

  • TTAB Appeals: We represent you in appeals to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) to challenge unfavorable decisions.
  • TTAB Oppositions: We defend your trademarks by opposing registrations that may infringe upon your rights.
  • TTAB Cancellations: We pursue the cancellation of trademarks that conflict with your existing rights.
The Trial and Appeal Process

Step-by-Step Guidance

Our trademark trial and appeal process is designed to provide comprehensive protection for your brand:

  • Case Assessment

    We evaluate the details of your case and provide an initial assessment of its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Strategy Development

    We work with you to develop a customized legal strategy to achieve your goals.

  • Legal Representation

    We represent you throughout the trial or appeal process, advocating for your rights.

  • Resolution

    We pursue favorable resolutions through negotiation, settlement, or litigation.

  • Post-Trial Actions

    If necessary, we handle post-trial actions to enforce judgments or protect your trademarks.


The TTAB is the administrative body responsible for deciding trademark disputes within the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

The timeline can vary, but we work to resolve cases as efficiently as possible.

Outcomes may include maintaining or opposing a trademark registration, or reaching a settlement.

Yes, negotiation and settlement are common methods for resolving trademark disputes.

Contact us immediately for legal guidance and to explore your options.