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Privacy Policy

Your Trusted Trademark Registration Attorney

We at Reyes & Schroeder Associates, P.C. (“RSA”/ the “Firm”/ ”We”/ ”Us”/” Our”) respect Your privacy, as well as those of Our personnel, clients and colleagues.  We recognize the importance of responsible collection, use and storage of information obtained during You use of the Website and/or Our services.  In addition, it has always been and remains the policy of Our Firm to comply with the rules of professional conduct, which impose a duty to preserve and protect confidential client information upon lawyers and their associated personnel. 

This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is provided to summarize Our data protection practices generally, and to advise You about the Firm’s privacy policies.  Please review this Privacy Policy detail, which applies to all users of and visitors to Our websites,, and/or (collectively, the “Website”) or users of Our Services (“You”/ “Your”).

On Our Website, visitors may voluntarily submit personal information directly, via the on-screen form, contained within the “Contact,” “Book a Consultation,” “Schedule a Consultation,” or “Retain Our Services” links.  Visitors may also voluntarily submit personal information via direct e-mail or phone call to any of our attorneys and/or offices.  If voluntarily submitted, We collect and process such personal information for Our own educational, networking, marketing, social, recruiting and other business purposes.  Although You may voluntarily provide Us with personal information, no attorney-client relationship exists between You and Our Firm, until a formal agreement has been reached.

Collection and Use of Personal Information:

If You do provide personal Information, as the term is defined in California Civil Code Section 1798.81.5(d), including, but not limited to your name, e-mail address, phone number, etc. (“Personal Information”), We may use that Personal Information to:

  • Respond to Your inquiries or requests;

  • Provide You with high quality legal services, if you are, or after You become, a client of Reyes & Schroeder Associates, P.C.;

  • Contact You regarding legal developments or other important issues;

  • Contact You with Firm updates, events, newsletters and marketing materials;

  • Analyze, monitor, improve, modify and conduct Our Website and/or business operations;

  • Form and/or execute contracts of various nature;

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and/or law enforcement officials.


It has always been the policy of RSA to exercise the utmost discretion and security regarding the information entrusted to Us by Our clients.  We take Our duty of confidentiality very seriously, consistent with Our professional obligations.  Our Firm maintains reasonable and appropriate security precautions to protect any collected Personal Information and/or confidential information, however, no security system is infallible or invulnerable to breach, and We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any material sent to Us via e-mail or some other electronic means.

Use of Client Information:

As a firm with a substantial federal law practice, We may operate systems that make data related to your matters accessible from Our various offices around the United States, as well as from the offices of Our foreign associates in other countries.  Client data may often be transferred between such offices.  We never sell, trade, market or share your Personal Information with any unrelated parties, except as necessary or appropriate to conduct Our legal and/or business activities, or as authorized and/or directed by You, or as otherwise permitted or required by law.  Specific questions regarding the Firm’s privacy and/or information collection, use and security practices may be directed to attorney Michael W. Schroeder at


A cookie is a text file sent by a web server and placed on your computer by your web browser.  Our Website may use cookies to collect information which can be used to help improve, customize and/or secure the Website.  You may reset Your browser to refuse all cookies or to allow Your browser to alert You when a cookie is set.  Your choice should not limit or restrict Your use of Our Website.

Google Analytics:

Our Website uses cookies and transmits them to Google in the context of Google Analytics.  We use the statistical Google Analytics tool to collect and evaluate various visitor information, including visitor behavior information and IP addresses.  We will never use Google Analytics to track, collect, transfer or sell any Personal Information of Our Website’s visitors.

Your California Privacy Rights:

Under California Civil Code Section 1798.83, “Shine the Light”, California customers are entitled to request information relating to whether a business has disclosed personal information to any third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes.  Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1798.83(c)(2), Our Firm does not sell or share your Personal Information with third party companies for their direct marketing purposes without Your consent.


If You are an individual You may have certain rights under applicable data protection legislation in your specific jurisdiction, which includes the right for You to review and correct the personal data We hold about You.  We may charge You a fee to receive a copy of this data.  For a copy of or reasonable access to Your personal data please e-mail attorney Michael W. Schroeder at


In order to respect the privacy of minors, RSA does not knowingly collect, maintain or process Personal Information submitted electronically by anyone under the age of 18, without express, parental or legal guardian consent.


We maintain reasonable and appropriate physical, electronic and procedural safeguards intended to maintain the confidentiality of Personal Information provided by You.  We do not guarantee that Our safeguards will always work.


We like to keep Our clients, personnel and other interested parties informed of legal developments of interest to them.  If You do not want to receive publications or details of events or seminars that We consider may be of interest to You, please let Us know by e-mailing Us at

Links to Other Websites:

Some links on the Website take You to other websites.  These other websites may not be under the control of Reyes & Schroeder, and We are not responsible for their content, action, re-direction or information collection practices.  We are providing these links as a convenience to You, and in doing so, We do not imply support or endorsement of any kind.  Please refer to the privacy policies and terms of service of these other websites to learn of their information collection practices.  We are not responsible for any personal information you submit through these other websites.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without advance notice.  Should any new policy go into effect, We will post it on this Website.

Contact Us:

If You have any questions, requests or complaints relating to Our use of Your Personal Information please contact Us via e-mail at