
Can I Use the Registration Symbol While My Trademark Application is Pending??

At, a firm associated with and owned by Reyes and Schroeder Associates, P.C., trademark registration, enforcement, execution, and management are paramount to the success and growth of businesses seeking to protect their unique products, ideas, concepts, or technologies. Securing exclusive rights through trademark registration is a critical step in leveraging these assets effectively.

Before diving deeper into when you are allowed to start using the federal trademark registration symbol, let’s first define what a trademark is. According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), “A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of these things that identifies and distinguishes a company’s products or services from others in the marketplace.” Trademarks help customers recognize a company and protect its brand from counterfeiting and fraud. They are protected by intellectual property rights and can be registered at the national or regional level.

Attorney Michael Schroeder, founder of and Reyes & Schroeder Associates, P.C., has over 12 years of extensive experience in trademark prosecution and registration. Having handled thousands of cases professionally, Attorney Schroeder brings a unique blend of big-firm professionalism and personalized attention to his clients. This ensures that clients receive top priority, time, and attention, which is often lacking in larger firms due to high caseloads and stringent quotas.

Can Someone Use Your Trademark While It’s Pending?

When you apply for a trademark, your brand’s protection is not immediately guaranteed. The application process involves several steps, including a review by the USPTO, which can take several months. During this pending period, many business owners wonder if their trademark is fully protected and whether others can legally use it. Understanding the implications of a pending trademark is crucial for safeguarding your brand.

A pending trademark means that your application has been submitted and is under review by the USPTO. While your application is pending, you have the right to use the ™ symbol, which indicates that you are claiming rights to the trademark. However, it is important to note that you cannot use the federal registration symbol (®) until your trademark is officially registered. Using the ® symbol before registration can lead to legal issues, as it implies that your trademark has been granted federal protection when it has not yet been.

The primary risk of using a trademark symbol incorrectly is the potential for misleading consumers and facing legal consequences. If someone else uses your pending trademark, you may have limited recourse until your mark is officially registered. This situation can lead to conflicts and legal disputes, which can be costly and time-consuming. It’s essential to monitor the market for any unauthorized use of your pending trademark and take action if necessary.

To protect your brand while your trademark application is pending, consider using the ™ symbol to assert your claim. Additionally, keep an eye on potential infringements by regularly searching for your trademark online and in the marketplace. If you discover unauthorized use, you can send a cease and desist letter to the infringing party. In some cases, initiating opposition proceedings may be necessary to prevent others from using a similar mark.

Once your trademark is approved, you can fully enforce your rights and use the ® symbol to indicate federal registration. Proper use of the registered trademark symbol is crucial for maintaining your trademark’s legal protections. Furthermore, be prepared to take legal action against any infringers to protect your brand’s integrity and reputation. Consulting with a trademark attorney throughout this process can provide valuable guidance and ensure that you navigate the complexities of trademark law effectively.

By understanding the nuances of trademark protection during the pending period, you can better safeguard your brand and prevent potential legal issues. If you have any questions or need assistance with your trademark application, contact Reyes and Schroeder for expert advice and support. Our team is dedicated to helping you protect your intellectual property and achieve peace of mind in your business endeavors.

What one must understand in this process is that if a proper attorney who is skilled in the process of trademark registration, trademark prosecution and trademark research through the USPTO is absolutely necessary to ensure that your product, service or technology is not jeopardized or in some instances captured by Trademark Trolls or Patent Trolls who use the USPTO public information to capitalize and for all purposes steal the opportunity from you prior to the point of confirmation. Also it is important to also state that during the process if an office action for trademark registration is denied the USPTO office action requires a 90 day period before the trademark is disregarded in which an attorney such as Michael Schroeder who has successfully handled over 1000 of these types of situations successfully. If you have a trademark or a technology that is unique enough for you to pursue this route it is in your best interest to do the research and find an attorney with the accolades, experience and expertise needed to successfully have your endeavor pursued and done correctly. FRom being recognized as as a nominated SuperLawyer for 2022 and has held an A+ Rating with Better Business Bureau for over 10 years allows for clients to have the confidence and understanding that the job performed by Michael Schroeder wil be that of the highest caliber and can ensure that if the job is needed to be done the likeliness of it being completed successfully is at a much higher level and chance that a majority of his competitors at a more reasonable cost yet being more effective and complete. For more information on how to get your trademark registered successfully with the USPTO and not receive a negative office action contact Reyes & Schroeder Associates , P.C. to get your free one on one consultation with experienced trademark attorney Michael Schroeder.                                                                                                                              

For more information, visit the USPTO’s trademark FAQs.

Reyes & Schroeder Associates P.C.

Address: 555 Anton Blvd Suite 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Phone: (323) 553-1541                                                                                                                

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